Phase 02
Groups were asked to create a total of 50 sketches for the five centers/locations we would be working with: Sprague Library, Academic Advising, Center for Writing Excellence, Office of Global Engagement, and the Shuttle Bus Stop. Each of these would receive 10 official sketches in ink, so that later on a single logo could be chosen for each area.
Outside Photography
Students were instructed to leave the classroom and explore on campus in order to observe different features of MSU's architecture, patterns, figures, etc.
My group of five ended up splitting up at some point. This led Danielle, Stephanie and I to walk around Sprague Library, Cole Hall, and the Shuttle Bus Stop near the Red Hawk Parking deck. All images were taken inside and out of each location.
Mind Maps
Two prepare for the sketches we would make, I decided to create two mind maps. I did not create five in total since I didn't feel the need to, as well as for time's sake.
Academic Advising and the Center for Writing Excellence both received a mind map. These were done in order to organize some of my thoughts and associations for each department. Each of them are connected and branch off with every detail.
Lists & Questions
During a class session my group got together to list qualities for some of the five locations. We also created research questions during a discussion with the Professor.
Rough Sketches
Each area collectively recieved 10 distinct and separate designs. In order to do so we had to make sure there were no variations included. For Academic Advising I used several separate pages compared to the others. Look to each image's title for the specific location it is meant to represent.
Rough Inked Sketches
In order to expand on my ideas I drew inked sketches in order to get an idea of the contrast would appear. I made several for each of the five locations on campus based on the critiques with the Professor. I included two of his sketches that I stood out to me because I developed them with my own inspiration.
Final Inked Sketches
Each image included in this section involves the final set of 10 sketches per location on campus. I free handedly drew each of my designs again with a micropen and thick black markers. I tried to make them even in terms of a black to white ratio.