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Phase 03

Each group would decide on one layout to use for their final tabloid poster. This would be based on the edited versions of the 12 months and how group members actively collaborated in the process. My group and I carefully examined the layouts we created, followed by the finals edits and printing of the poster physically.

Final 12 Squares

Each group member edited and digitized each of the squares they made. The following months are organized by their creator.

Layout Options

Once each member of the group had the edited versions of the all 12 squares we started to rearranged it into layouts on Adobe InDesign. We ended up with three layouts that stood out the most toto all of us. Not only were they aesthetically pleasing, but each layout contained movement, repetition, scaling, and changes with opacities. 
From left to right: "Repetition layout," "Spiral layout", "Falling Layout"
Each of the three layouts we chose from had certain elements/bits and pieces that we liked. One example is the top right corner of the repetition layout. The idea of placing some squares over an arrangement of faded ones led me to design the corner that pops out and takes up a large amount of space to set up hierarchy.

Other designs, such as the Spiral Layout, contains squares that were distorted in Photoshop. We refer to that design with that name becduse of the movevement of the background image. I based it off on.

Decision & Adjustments

The Spiral Layout was the winner!!! My entire group and I really liked the flow around  the spiral, and the contrast that the stacked squares had. Overall, a 3D atmosphere looked like it was  forming around the entire spiral. After picking the layout the group wanted to scope out any minor errors in the layout.
Coloring and blending any unwanted textures/lines was the challenging part of the editing. The first print we made did not show up correctly and aappeared with faded colors. In order to do this we adjusted some of the spiral's gray colors, which came out blue in another print. While we dealt with the coloring we mapped out more places to smooth out. Leftover strokes on the images, unedited pieces of squares, discoloration ended up being fixed within InDesign.

Final Poster

This is the end result of our group's poster!! All unwanted marks, colors and extra visuals were scrapped in order to achieve a smooth look. I think my group was very successful in creating the squares and giving them as much attention to work on them as possbile.
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